Tuesday, December 12, 2006


That's right. 4-6 weeks is the value of savings for most Texans if they would simply switch providers. Texans who continue to pay the highest, “price to beat” rates charged by their long-standing utility company could save as much as four-to-six weeks of the cost of their electricity by choosing another electricity provider.

The Texas Public Utility Commission Chairman Paul Hudson said in November, “We don’t think anyone should be paying the price to beat today. Everyone should be out, actively engaged in the marketplace and seeking out electricity offers that significantly undercut the price to beat.” Chairman Hudson’s remarks were made in an interview with Power Markets Week, November 13., 2006 and in testimony to the legislators.

WWW.CHOOSEENERGY.COM offers a free, independent, online energy marketplace similar to online exchanges for travel and mortgages. The website doesn’t sell or promote any one company, but simply makes it easy for consumers to see what kind of money-saving offers they can receive from companies which have been carefully screened. On www.chooseenergy.com, residential customers can simply provide their zip code and amount of last month’s bill in order to see the best rates they can receive that day. Business benefits and savings are even better. Only www.chooseenergy.com offers an unbiased comparison tool where business owners can get real-time, comparative bids on their electricity business without having to talk or deal directly with multiple companies.

So go shop Texas and save some money for the Holidays.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Consumers need to help make electricity deregulation work in Texas.

Many recent articles have questioned why electricity rates are so high in Texas and about how much money Reliant and TXU are making from deregulation.

Back when the hurricanes Rita and Katrina came through and caused a major disturbance to our natural gas production in late 2004, natural gas prices rose significantly – thus increasing the price of electricity. Prices have come down since then, but the affiliate providers have not lowered their rates. Many newspapers have written articles about this recently – asking why TXU and Reliant haven’t lowered their rates to reflect today’s natural gas rates. Well, the answer is that the affiliate providers, such as TXU and Reliant, agreed with the Public Utility Commission of Texas not to raise rates immediately and to phase in their rate increases over time, so that people could recover and not be shocked by such a high rate increase at one time. By doing this, the affiliate electric providers lost a significant amount of money in their retail divisions during this time while prices were actually higher than what they were charging their customers. Now I’m certainly not saying they haven’t fully recovered these loses, because they probably have. The fact is – they are public companies and are judged by the bottom-line just as other large corporations.

I believe the real answer lies with the consumers of electricity in Texas. Why haven’t more people switched to a lower electric plan? Even the affiliate providers offer their customers lower rates. If more people switched providers don’t you think that TXU and Reliant would lower their rates…YES! Consumers need to take some of the blame here. Less than half of consumers of electricity in deregulated areas of Texas have actually switched from the default rate they are charged from their affiliate provider.

If you are looking on Travelocity for a flight and one is $15 cheaper than the other – which do you choose? Do you buy a car at sticker price? NO – If 2 gas stations are side by side, but one says $2.29 and the other says $2.19 do you go to the one for $2.29 – NO! You buy the cheaper one, or you negotiate your price. Deregulation will drive competition – but people have to help.

Remember when it cost a small fortune to make a long distance call? Many younger people probably don’t. Why was that? What did the government do about it? They broke up the regulated monopoly. Telecom was deregulated thus creating competition, infrastructure enhancements and improvements and now long-distance rates are virtually non-existent. I’m certainly not saying that electricity rates will become non-existent, but I am saying the industry will make improvements to infrastructure, produce better services and products, but competition for all intents and purposes is what will ultimately drive down electricity prices. That will have to come from the consumers. More and more consumers switching providers is what will ultimately drive down rates.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Business Owner Cuts His Electricity Bill by 23 Percent

Tom Sadler, co-owner of printing and design company Executive Press in Richardson, Texas, watches his business expenses very carefully because many of his operating costs have increased significantly during 2006.

"Everybody complains about gasoline prices, but lots of other price increases – such as the cost of paper - have also gone up, making it harder than ever for a printing business like mine to operate profitably," Sadler explains.

Sadler can’t do much about many of his budget-busting cost increases, but when he experienced a 25 percent increase in electricity cost from TXU within a one-year period, he decided to take action.

From a friend, Sadler learned last summer about a new online marketplace where he could compare commercial electricity rates offered by a number of retail electric providers. Taking a look at http://www.chooseenergy.com/, Sadler saw that he could save money by switching to almost any of the listed providers listed. Sadler decided to use Choose Energy’s easy switching process. Sadler began saving about 23 percent, or approximately $1,200 per month as soon as the switch was completed.

"I got several quotes, all in one place and Choose Energy was easy to use," Sadler said. "As a business owner, I know who the big name providers are. If Reliant calls and says they can save me money, the only quote I get is from them. They might just be trying to beat TXU. But a new market entrant like Champion Energy is trying to beat out both companies. Choose Energy is great because I don't have to hassle with talking to a bunch of different people at different companies. I got an immediate answer and I could see how much I would save with each provider."
"Retail electric providers like having the capabilities provided by Choose Energy," said Rob Cantrell, Senior VP of Sales & Marketing for Champion Energy Services. "With Choose Energy’s unique real-time pricing capabilities, we can offer small businesses a variety of individualized, competitive rates that we can vary according to market conditions and contract lengths."
"Electricity customers visiting http://www.chooseenergy.com/ can have peace of mind that they are not paying more than they have to for electricity," said Jerry Dyess, general manager of Choose Energy. "Choose Energy also prescreens electricity providers for reliability and their commitment to offering cost-saving electricity for their customers."

"As an added benefit for electricity shoppers, customers may sign up to be notified when rates drop, if they don’t see an electricity offer they want to accept when they visit http://www.chooseenergy.com/," added Dyess.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Is it really worth it?

Some customers have said that the price differences between the afiliate provider and other electricity provider plans are just not that different...a penny here..a penny there. So, is it really worth switching?

What's the difference between one penny in electricity costs per kilo-watt hour? Well, quite a lot actually. If you are an average homeowner and use 1,500 kWh's per month - that 1 penny equals $180 per year in savings. Funny thing is - some of the price differences are more than 1 penny - some are actually 2-3 - and many people use quite a bit more electricity than the 1,500 kWh's per month - which can all add up to some very significant savings.

Let me ask you this - do you pay sticker price for a car? No. Do you look on travel sites and pick the most expensive flight listed? Obiously not if you are looking on travel sites. When you bought your house, did you shop around your mortage rate? You probably did - I know I did.

Well, that's what choice is all about - you have a choice when you buy a car, shop for flights, and when you buy your house - you don't always have to take the first offer that is made to you. So, why do over 50% of Texans elect not to do anything and pay a much higher rate for their electricity? Just as you shop around for flight costs, mortage rates, and other items, shopping for your electric provider needs to be added to that list.

So, shop around for a better rate or a cleaner electricity plan - For 5 minutes of your time, you could be saving money...quite a bit of it.

Friday, November 17, 2006

CE Forecast

Since we can't be there with everyone when they are selecting an energy provider for their home or busines - we recently added a feature to our site called CE Forecast. CE Forecast makes recommendations to help you make the best energy buying option for your home or business.

How does it work? CE Forecast analyzes the energy cost components that make up electricity costs for your home and business then presents color coded "CE Outlets" based on that information. If rates are low and holding steady, the CE Forecast will present you with a Green color coded outlet - which is a high recommendation to "Buy Now" and lock in a long-term energy agreement and order service today. If rates are currently high it will present a Red color coded outlet - which tells you to wait until prices come down - or lock into a short-term contract.

We hope this will help you make the right energy buying decision and keep energy costs down in your home or business.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Natural Gas - What Factors Impact Gas Prices

Many people have asked - what are some of the factors that impact natural gas prices and why have natural gas prices steadily risen over the past few years?

Eventhough gas prices have moderated a bit this year after the supply distruptions from the hurricanes last year, we still have not seen the low levels like we did thoughout the 1990s. A number of underying factors have contributed to the price volitilityof natural gas this year.

1 - Production - The production of natural gas impacts not only the supply that is available but also the price. Through August of this year, production is slightly lower than recent years.

2 - Imports - Although the U.S. produces quite a bit of natural gas, we still import much of our supply. Most of this comes from Canada, but some comes in the form of liquified natural gas (LNG) from overseas. Recent EIA estimated project that for 2006, total imports will decline about 6.1 percent from 2005 levels.

3 - Storage - Throughout the year, natural gas is injected into the nderground storage facilities to help keep up with increased demand during the winter heating season. This year, we have seen consistently high storage levels that are projected to be above the 5-year average during the heating season.

4 - Demand - Demand impacts supply which impacts price. As of August of this year, natural gas consumption is about 2.5 percent below levels seen in 2005. The EIA projects natural gas demand will show no growth for 2006.

5 - Oil Prices - Crude oil prices reached record levels this year - averaging over $74 per barrel in July. However, we have seen these prices decline in recent months - averaging about $59 per barrel in October. The EIA projects that crude oil prices will average about $66 per barrel for 2006, which is a 17 percent increase over 2005 prices.

These are some of the main factors that contribute to natural gas prices in today's market. The EIA has predicted that natural gas prices paid by commercial and industrial customers should be on average about 22 percent less this heating season that last. This is only a forecast, and any forecast could be impacted by a number of factors - a prolonged cold spell, an interuption in supplies, or a disruption in other fuel supplies such as petroleum or electricity could all impact natural gas prices.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Energy costs begin to soar. Take action.

As summer moves in and energy costs begin to soar, more homeowners are taking action to rein in their utility bills. By making energy efficient enhancements to your home, switching to a low cost electricity provider, and lowering your electricity consumption you too can reduce your energy costs by up to 50%.
Energy Efficient Enhancements:
1) Service your HVAC system.
2) Make sure you have proper insulation in your home.
3) Change to fluorescent light bulbs.
4) Purchase Energy Star appliances

Lower Cost Electricity Providers:
1) Go to: www.ChooseEnergy.com and choose a new electric provider

Lower Electricity Consumption:
1) Set your thermostat at 78 degrees or higher.
2) Turn on fans.
3) Clean air filters.
4) Turn off lights when not in use.

Do these energy savings tips and you will begin to see lower electricity bills.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Do I have to switch providers?

No, you don't have to do anything and you will remain stay with your current affiliate retail electric provider.

Even if you don't make a switch to another provider, do the research and find out your options. Maybe you don't want to switch and want to stay with your current electric provider but would like to purchase cleaner renewable electricity. Chances are, your current electric company offers a renewable energy product for your home. That's what deregulation is about - the consumer having options.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

What is Green Energy?

Green energy is electrical power that is produced from clean, renewable energy sources. Renewable energy comes from sources that are less-polluting like wind, solar and water. By utilizing the wind or water to turn turbines, or the sun to heat fuel cells you can produce electricity. Traditional power sources like coal and gas power plants emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Utilizing green energy reduces smog, greenhouse gases and air pollution.

How do you choose Green energy for my home? Well, you have a choice in who supplies your electricity, and you can choose to buy clean Texas energy by switching your electric service to a retail electric provider like Green Mountain Energy. They offer a Pollution Free product that costs the same as your current affiliate electric provider. Simply go to: www.ChooseEnergy.com to sign up.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Texas Electricity Deregulation

Even though most consumers have heard of electricity deregulation in Texas, most Texans have not made a switch to another electric provider because it’s still a confusing process. Well, changing your electricity provider is about to get a lot easier. The ChooseEnergy.com home and business energy service portal will soon be available to the Texas market. All users will be able to go to www.ChooseEnergy.com and browse, compare and order electricity services for their home or business. See. Select. Switch. It's Simple!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Lower energy costs for your business.

Energy costs can have a significant impact on your company’s bottom-line. After you have chosen a lower cost provider by visting www.ChooseEnergy.com and made the switch, figure out ways to conserve the energy you use.

- Call a service professional to check your office air conditioning unit (s) before the summer really heats up;
- Keep the office thermostat at 78 degrees or above. Every degree below 78 increases your cooling cost by almost 10%;
- Change your air conditioner filters every month;
- If you have fans in the office -turn them on. Up to 70% of your summer electricity usage comes from your air conditioner. By turning on a fan, a room can feel up 5 degrees cooler;
- If you have access to them - weather-strip the outer windows and doors. Make sure you have a sufficient amount of caulk and weather-stripping around the windows and doors to keep that cool air inside your office.
- Insulate all exterior outlets and electrical receptacles.

Every little bit helps - by switching to a lower cost electric provider and using some of our helpful energy conservation tips you should begin to see a much smaller electric bill.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Benefits for using ChooseEnergy.com

…is a true and neutral energy marketplace -
The first true energy marketplace where Texans can allow electricity providers to bid on their business.

…makes it simple to switch providers -
The site that customers can actually switch electricity providers in just a few clicks, without cumbersome paperwork.

…empowers you to compare electricity providers, with no risks or obligations -
A neutral site where electricity customers can see and compare real-time offers, even “model” different lengths of contracts.

…gives you confidence to know today’s best electricity offers -
The most direct way for residential and business customers in Texas to be confident they’re getting the personalized, least costly and most up-to-date offers available from electricity providers.

NOTE: Regardless which electricity provider you choose, your electricity will continue to be supplied by the “power lines” company, which is often a spin-off or division of the former electricity monopolies in your area and regulated by the Public Utility Commission.

How do I choose an electric company?

You now have a choice when choosing an electricity provider in Texas and ChooseEnergy is here to help. For the first time, there is an unbiased electricity marketplace that enables you to take charge of your electricity spending. Choose Energy allows Texans to compare offers and save money by choosing an electricity provider that truly meets your needs.

Some things you should look for - The Electricity Facts Label - usually found in the Terms of Service documents. Read it. This will provide you with the Retail Electric Provider's pricing information, contract terms and sources of generation. All Texas Retail Electric Providers offering residential service are required to provide this information to you upon request. This allows you to compare all offers in greater detail.

Once you have found the opne for you - make the switch. Go to: www.ChooseEnergy.com and See - Select - & Switch. It's that Simple!

High Electric Bill

Those high electricity bills are going to start coming in the mail and they are only going to get higher once we get into the HOT summer months. They are predicting a very hot summer for Texas. So make a choice today and go to: www.ChooseEnergy.com and switch to a lower cost electric provider. You can save hundreds of dollars! It's fast, free, and easy. You simply See - Select - Switch. It's that simple!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Gas Prices

Oil and natural gas prices have both been going up, which leads to higher fuel cost and higher energy bills. With the summer driving season almost upon us, many people might be rethinking that cross country family trip they had been planning. We may even see $4.00 prices at the pump. People need to find ways to save money - one obvious one is ChooseEnergy.com. Plus, we need to begin to conserve the energy we consume. Check out the tips on energy savings for the home and business. When combined with a lower cost provider, they can add up to a lot of savings.

Monday, April 24, 2006


Some customers have asked us a few questions that we thought we would share with you.

Do consumers pay to use ChooseEnergy?

No, there are no fees or extra charges to consumers for visiting the site, reviewing the information and/or for using the site to switch electricity providers.

Do retailers pay to have their prices and offers listed on ChooseEnergy?

No, if a customer switches to a new electricity provider using ChooseEnergy, the retailer pays ChooseEnergy a small commission. There is no added or hidden cost to consumers. Retailers may advertise on the site, but the advertising does not affect the offers made to consumers.

Will all consumers be offered the same prices?
The retail electric providers decide what prices to offer consumers based on their electricity usage – quantity and patterns – as well as where they reside.

How is ChooseEnergy different from www.Powertochoose.com, sponsored by the Texas Public Utilities Commission?

ChooseEnergy allows consumers to compare and SWITCH electricity providers if they want to. www.powertochoose.com merely allows consumers to compare, but choosing and switching providers is not available directly from their webiste. CE also allows business owners to compare real-time offers and order service from competing retail electric providers.

Will consumers have to commit to long-term contracts?

Consumers can also consider the length of contracts while reviewing the various offers made by different electricity providers. Some providers may offer different rates for various lengths of contracts. After reviewing all their options and deciding what is best for them, consumers can select the proposed offer which best meets their needs.
Consumers can actually sort by contract length, cost and clean energy product types. Electric providers offer contracts that usually range from month-to-month to up to 3 years.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Rolling black-outs in Texas. Is Texas headed for something like California's crisis? The answer - No, California really just doesn’t have enough power to go around. They have only built two power plants to Texas' 47 since 1995. What happened the other day in Texas was just a run of bad luck. Texas power producers had many plants offline for planned maintenance, then we hit a record high and everyone turned on their A/C's. Plus, the PUC of Texas has also instituted much stronger consumer protection rules for those in Texas and much higher qualifications for retail electric providers that operate in Texas. We do need to conserve energy any way we can, and that will help everyone. TXU just announced that they are going to spend $10 billion on electricity plants in Texas, and they expect that to meet Texas' growing power demands into 2015.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Is Deregulaton Good for Texas?

The easy answer is, YES! In my view, any form of competition makes economic sense in the market, and Texas electrici deregulation created a competitive environment for Texans. Companies now compete for your business by offering a variety of different services, products and prices to win you over as a customer. But one of the most important aspects of deregulation is that it gives you, the customer, the control. You now control who bills you for your electricity usage, lawmakers don't decide or some big coporation doesn't decide, you decide what you order - you now have the freedom of choice! So make your choice today Texas and switch.