Thursday, May 06, 2010

More Customers Are Switching Texas Electricity Providers

With Texas electricity rates the lowest they've been in a long time, more customers are switching providers and saving money by doing so. Today in Texas, there are over a hundred different electric companies; while this is good news, it may also seem overwhelming, in some cases, to find the best electricity provider. The website can help you do this.

Why not switch?

Although it may seem a hassle to switch from one Texas electric provider to another, you can save a significant amount of money -- and take advantage of the competition in today's market -- by doing so. By choosing the lowest cost provider available to you, you'll save on energy costs, putting more money in your pocket.

Estimates show that about 25% more people have switched this year than they did last you. That's good news for consumers, and it's good news for electricity providers who want your business, too.

Prices are lower than they have been in years.

For example, some areas can lock in a low fixed rate that's as little as $.10 per kilowatt-hour if they simply switch electricity providers. Your area's cost may differ somewhat, but you should still be able to get much more reasonable rates than you are currently paying -- and again, you can lock those rates in for at least 12 months. What that means for you is that if you choose a new provider and lock in your low rate now, you're protected from any rate increases for that 12-month period, which will save you even more money.

More than just price to consider

When you go to choose your Texas electricity provider, it's also up to you to do your homework, if you search for electric providers on your own. For example, you have to make sure you take a look at what their customer service satisfaction rate is, what their financial condition is, and what their track record is as well. You may also want to take a look at any perks they offer like bill credits, gift cards, or other amenities for being a customer.

Again, going to can help you find the right service provider for you, in your area. With this website, you can compare rates and options at a glance; even better, has already screened out companies and has chosen only providers who provide stellar service with good track records, a stable business environment, and with top-notch customer service recommendations.

The website will also tell you about all the bonuses or special deals each electric company offers, so that you can compare "with a mouse click" and find the right company for you. This makes it easy to choose a new electric service provider, save money, lock in the lowest rates possible, and even get additional perks and benefits for doing so. What are you waiting for?

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