Thursday, June 01, 2006

How do I choose an electric company?

You now have a choice when choosing an electricity provider in Texas and ChooseEnergy is here to help. For the first time, there is an unbiased electricity marketplace that enables you to take charge of your electricity spending. Choose Energy allows Texans to compare offers and save money by choosing an electricity provider that truly meets your needs.

Some things you should look for - The Electricity Facts Label - usually found in the Terms of Service documents. Read it. This will provide you with the Retail Electric Provider's pricing information, contract terms and sources of generation. All Texas Retail Electric Providers offering residential service are required to provide this information to you upon request. This allows you to compare all offers in greater detail.

Once you have found the opne for you - make the switch. Go to: and See - Select - & Switch. It's that Simple!

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